Oxfam shop

Oxfam shop, 55/57 Hillfoot Street PA23 7DR Dunoon, UK
+44 1369 704188
We accept donations of a wide range of reusable items. Please do not leave items outside the shop.
Shop open:
Monday to Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Saturday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Sunday 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Items you can donate and we can resell
- Good condition, clean clothing – including children’s clothing, vintage clothes, and out of season items
- Shoes in pairs of all styles
- Accessories, including bags, non-prescription sunglasses, belts, hats, scarves and gloves
- Jewellery, including watches
- Antique and collectable items
- Books
- Music (CDs, vinyl, musical instruments and sheet music)
- DVDs and Blu-rays
- Homewares: china, kitchenware, ornaments, pictures, and more
- Soft furnishings: small rugs, linen, curtains (must be clean and in good condition)
- Knitted items and blankets
- Toys and games
- Wedding dresses and accessories
- Stamps (including used stamps) and foreign coins and notes
- Mobile phones
- Cameras
- Ephemera
- Any unwanted gifts, including toiletries and beauty items (new and unused)
- Bedding, if in good condition
- Tents, if in good condition
If you are unsure, just ask.
- Level entrance
Oxfam shop
55/57 Hillfoot Street PA23 7DR Dunoon, UK