Innellan Primary School

Innellan Primary School, Innellan Primary School, 43a Wyndham Rd, Innellan, Dunoon PA23 7SJ

01369 830560

[email protected]

Innellan Primary School website

Innellan Primary School is situated in the village of Innellan overlooking the River Clyde. Children from Innellan and the surrounding area attend the school. The local bus service provides a means for children who live in and outside of Innellan to get to and from the school.

Innellan Primary School provides a safe, holistic, nurturing learning environment for all. Everyone is supported to be the best they can be. We encourage a positive ‘I can do it’ attitude to support everyone to be motivated, confident individuals keen to learn and share their knowledge with others.  We are committed to igniting a passion for learning. We aim to create a school that is fun and stimulating, challenging, creative and flexible, where everyone can learn to the best of their ability.

Our location ensures that we are able to provide regular active and outdoor learning.
