Type: Nature & Environment
Bishop’s Glen Ramble
Who fancies another Ramble? Its been a while, but we have been so busy over the summer. We will meet...
Men’s Activity Day
Would you like to come and join us on the 22nd February for a day of non-stop adventure? We’re hosting...
Daffodil Walk and House Tour
A wonderful opportunity to have a tour of Ardkinglas House and a visit to the garden to see various varieties...
Cowalfest 2025
Introducing a brand new look for Cowalfest 2025…we hope you like it! Watch this space for further details…website coming soon...
Ardkinglas Snowdrop Walk and House Tour
A wonderful opportunity to take a stroll around the house garden and enjoy the start of Spring! 1.30pm: Snowdrop Walk...
Colintraive Gardeners’ Question Time
Save the date!