Road Smart Road Safety Session

Event information
Date 3 May 2025
Time 10.30am - 12noon
Cost Free
Venue Dunoon Fire Station, 361 Argyll Street, Dunoon PA23 7RN
Driving on todays’ roads presents challenges where we could all benefit from developing our driving skills that will:
- Create an environment that keeps you and your passengers safer from injury and death.
- Build a collaborative and courteous approach to driving for today’s congested roads and occasional negative encounters.
- Save money through improved fuel economy, reduced maintenance costs, and a positive impact on your insurance premium.
- Develop a driving style that maximises progress in an enjoyable, smooth, safe and unobtrusive manner.
Four new Road Safety Hubs (RSH) will open to drivers of Argyll this February. The RSH is a Partnership between the Institute of Advanced Motorists, Scottish Fire & Rescue Service and Police Scotland. RSHs will be open in Campbeltown, Oban, Lochgilphead and Dunoon and will be delivered by an enthusiastic, friendly and experienced local team.
Between February and May, the RSH in each town, will provide four 90-minute sessions covering all aspects of motoring. Drivers can attend one or all four sessions, free of charge. The first session, Winter Driving, you will learn how to prepare yourself and your vehicle for coping with the extremes of our winter conditions, as seen recently with Storm Éowyn.
From the short commute to crossing the country, we will help drivers, no matter what driving experience you have, negotiate our road network safely and enjoyably.
Safety doesn’t happen by accident.
Click the link to book a place