About us

What’s on Dunoon is a platform that serves as a hub for local events and happenings around the Cowal peninsula, with a focus on Dunoon. It is designed to assist individuals, organisations, and businesses in promoting their events in a single location. Our aim is to simplify access to information about all the exciting things that happen here for community members and visitors alike.

Why What’s on Dunoon?

Through research it has been identified that people struggle to find information out about all the brilliant things that happen in Dunoon. This means that local people and visitors miss out on opportunities to see and do things, and some of our most vulnerable residents don’t access essential support.

To address these challenges we want to create a sustainable solution to information sharing and communication.

At this stage, commercial events can be listed free of charge.  This may change as the project develops and sustainability is considered.  Donations to support this initiative are always welcome.  For more information, please get in touch with ann@dunooncdt.org

Meet the team

The project is developed by the Dunoon Community Development Trust, your local community development trust. With the support of local volunteers, Scotland’s Town Partnership and Dunoon based design agency Tacit Tacit.

Want to help? We would love to hear from you

If you are interested in working with us on this project then please get in touch with ann@dunooncdt.org